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It’s time to ban songs that are derogatory to women

These sons are abusive, not artistic - they normalise violent behaviour.

Women are not objects. They do not exist to serve anyone else but themselves (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Music is a big part of my life. It has been for as long as I can remember.

My first tape was Britney’s ‘…Baby One More Time’; my first CD single was Rasmus’ ‘In The Shadows’, and my first live gig was McFly. Quite an eclectic mix, right?

Music filled every room in my family home as a child. From my dad’s vinyl collection, and my brother’s discovery of Cascada; to my sister’s plucky attempt at Oasis on the guitar, and my mam constantly surfing the music channels for bangers. 

There was never a quiet moment, to say the least.

But while our music tastes varied from goth and emo to Britpop and classic rock – topped off with all out early 00s German Eurodance – one thing was always the same: the way women were written about.

Women were conquests, or complications. Whores. Bitches. Goldiggers. Wifeys. Defined by the shape of their bodies, or favourite sex positions. The way they didn’t give enough head, or gave too much lip.

In lyrics, women were a problem, or a solution – never a separate entity from men; only a sexual being and object that caused grief or gave relief. 

And, sadly in music today, they still are.

Too many lyrics across all genres of music are derogatory towards women, whether in pop, punk or rap – written by both men or women. It’s time that changed – for good. 

It’s time that we banned lyrics – and music videos – that are derogatory towards women and girls for good, in attempts to combat rising levels of gendered violence.

Growing up, the women I saw in music videos were half naked and slim, with big boobs and bums. Used as accessories, clad in swimwear and gyrating for the attention of fully clothed, leering men – with the lyrics to go with it.

Kids are impressionable – I certainly was. I didn’t have the type of body that was celebrated in music videos, how could I ever be desirable?

Music has been a big part of my life (Picture: Emmie Harrison-West)

Then, god forbid I was too desirable, to Paramore, Fall Out Boy and You Me At Six – bands that I loved – I was a ‘whore’ or a ‘notch in a bed post. It was simply impossible for me to find any accurate, inspiring or positive lyrics about women that weren’t to do with their bodies, their looks or the way they acted in bed.

Sexuality was forced upon me, through no choice of my own – I thought that it was the only thing I was defined by. And, it had its consequences that I still remain traumatised by today, at the age of 30, having been sexualised, objectified and harassed by aggressive men and boys since the age of 13.

It rubbed off on young boys, too. Too many boys (and men) were surprised to hear that I wasn’t lesser than them, or didn’t flinch at being called a slag if I liked sex.

Do you think similar lyrics should be banned? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

To them, partly because of the music they listened to and the idols that coined their favourite lyrics, women fulfilled a purpose – and it was for the gratification and attention of men. 

Thankfully, in the Mexican city of Chihuahua, songs with misogynistic lyrics have been banned in live music venues. 

If musicians sing lyrics that promote any type of violence against women, they could face a hefty fine of £55,000 – with money raised from fees funding women’s centres and domestic violence programmes. 

In fact, the municipality mayor, Marco Bonilla, considers any lyrics that objectify or sexualise women as violence, too (which I believe it is).

Right now, Chihuahua is one of five municipalities in Mexico that have a ‘gender alert’ thanks to high – and still rising – rates of violence against women. 

According to Bonilla, violence against women in the city is a ‘pandemic’, with seven out of 10 calls to its police force relating to violence within families. They’re hoping that banning violent lyrics will help address this problem – highlighting degrading treatment of women, across all mediums, as wrong.

I applaud this revolutionary act. 

The more lyrics that objectify and sexualise women and girls aren’t called out or demonised, the more normalised this violent behaviour will become. 

Degrading lyrics don’t go in one ear and out the other, they worm their way into everyday life and attitudes – with popular music becoming in line with social norms. 

When do catcalls and leers become gropes and sexual violence? When do objectifying pet names become punches?

Women are not objects. They do not exist to serve anyone else but themselves. They are sexual beings of their own accord, and not for anyone else’s. They’re not playthings or problems, and they certainly don’t belong to anyone.

So, why should lyrics that are violent – in any shape or form – not be banned? If they’re not banned, sexist attitudes towards women will be perpetuated, with gender equality becoming further and further out of reach. 

Banning lyrics that sexualise women and girls in the UK would be revolutionary. It would prove that women are equal to men, and not playthings at their disposable – with lives that centre around men.

In turn, our rising record levels of rape and domestic violence cases would hopefully start to fall, as men begin to treat women with respect.

Women would know the meaning of self-esteem – and not associate a sense of betterness with sex.

Young boys will learn to realise that treating women in a certain way is wrong – and young girls will learn that women deserve respect, and not just for the way they look, act or f**k.

It’s not about freedom of speech if it unfairly objectifies a sex – limiting freedom. It’s not art if it’s abuse.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing jess.austin@metro.co.uk

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